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dude ranch 〔美西部〕(供東部人休假時游息的)休養農場;仿西部農場造...

dude wrangler

I like to look on our own shops as kind of a barefoot agency which is mentally alwaya trying to “ put itself into other people ' s shoes “ a working ranch rather than a dude ranch 我喜歡我們的公司看起來像一家光著腳丫的代理商,心中一直努力“穿別人的鞋子” ,設身處地為他人著想,這是一個辛勤工作的農場,而不是休閑觀光的旅游農舍。

“ i like to look on our own shops as kind of a barefoot agency which is mentally always trying to put itself into other people ' s shoes - a working ranch rather than a dude ranch 我喜歡我們的公司看起來像一家光著腳丫的代理商,心中一直努力穿別人的鞋子,設身處地為他人著想- -是一個辛勤工作的農場,而不是休閑觀光的農舍。

Billy is trying to work his way through a mid - life crisis and decides that the best way to do that is to spend two weeks on a dude ranch herding cattle 比利正面對著中年危機,他參加了牛仔度假團,最后克服困難尋回生命意義。還有一個角色叫卻利,由杰克佩利斯飾演。

Arizona ' s dude ranch association fills its $ 350 - a - night luxury ranches most of the year ; roughly a third of the guests are european 亞利桑那農場度假協會擁有的農場全年大部分時間都客滿,其中約有三分之一的客人是歐洲人,而每晚的住宿費高達350美金。

Arizona ' s dude ranch association fills its $ 350 - a - night luxury ranches most of the year ; roughly a third of the guests are european 亞利桑達花花公子農場協會一年的大部分時間里$ 350一晚的豪華農場都是住滿的,這其中大約三分之一的客人是歐洲人。

Arizona ' s dude ranch association fills its $ 350 - a - night luxury ranches most of the year ; roughly a third of the guests are european 亞利桑那州農場度假協會擁有的農場全年大部分時間都客滿,其中約有三分之一是歐洲人,而每晚住宿費高達350美金。

Download free travel brochures on - line for resorts , lodges , inns and dude ranches worldwide -介紹國內外主要旅游景點的線路游記交通等信息。

There is a dude ranch at the bottom near the camp ground 峽谷底宿營地附近有一個游客莊園。